The five secrets behind the great taste of South Tyrol


Admittedly, I am proud of myself. I should be awarded a medal. Firstly, because I am the first and only talking hotel in the world. And secondly, because I cracked the code, revealed the secret and was finally able to solve the eternal mystery! For years – decades even – I have been pondering So here it is: the essence of my pondering, the golden formula of good South Tyrolean taste, the five pillars of the local eating and drinking culture. Before I start, get some Schüttelbrot and wine and Speck and make yourself comfortable. If you don't have any Speck, wine or Schüttelbrot, it's best to book a little pleasure trip to my place in Schnalst l. Here, my farm people have put together a few packages for you.


#1: Tradition. Tradition. Tradition.

They are proud, the South Tyroleans. Of much of what was and of those who lived and worked here before them. This feeling of not belonging anywhere, but exactly to this beautiful place in the world, does something to people It also manifests itself in the pots and on the plates. As a sensory homage to the past. And so, what is worth preserving is carefully preserved: old vegetable varieties. Great-grandmother's collection of recipes. The knowledge of how what is served when and why. At home. In the inn. At the fairground. At Easter. At Christmas. And in between.


#2: We have our ups and downs

There are more than 3,400 metres of altitude between the Bolzano basin and the summit of the Palla Bianca. That's a lot of space. For vineyards and vegetable gardens and alpine meadows and pastures. The diversity of altitudes and weather conditions, the variance of South Tyrol's vegetation zones is incredible. And so many things thrive here. And above all, many good things. On a large scale and in fine detail n. To make your taste buds sing for joy.


#3: Many hearts beat in one chest here.

South Tyrol is the most beautiful mountain kingdom in the Alps, a gateway to the south and a bridge to the north. There are three national languages and a thousand opinions about what the South Tyrolean soul really is. Our country is a melting pot where you can cook up a storm And so today it tastes of sun and south and tomorrow of summit wind. Pasta and plenten. Knödel and antipasti. Never contradictions. But wonderful parts of a delicious whole.


#4: Every valley is a universe of its own.

What tastes so good here in the Schnalstal Valley has a completely different character in the Ahrntal Valley. And up on the Seiser Alm, the inclined palate discovers yet another nuance Not only in language there are dialects – also in the kitchen. Every region, every valley and sometimes even every village has its specialities and culinary treasures. A wealth of priceless value!


#5: We have a reputation to lose.

Pride comes before a fall, they say. But the South Tyroleans are rightly proud of their cuisine. If you want to eat badly in this country, you have to search for a long time The uncompromising dedication to good taste and the passion for excellent food is inspiring. To new heights. Even in the most modest of rooms. By the way: do you already know mine? There, my courtiers serve you excellent South Tyrolean food, celebrate the genuine inn culture and indulge in the fine art of wine drinking. In this sense: here's to you. And to the good taste of South Tyrol.