Regular guest post: earth closet, silver thistles and mountain views


Annedore Wille has known me, old house that I am, for many decades. Now our dear regular guest has taken the time to write me a letter and allowed me to share it with all of you! What wonderful memories you have brought back to life, dear Annedore! God bless you for it! Do you want to do the same? You can reply to me directly here. And now: Happy reading!


Original text attempted to be translated into English:


Dear old Oberraindlhof,

how happy I was to hear from you again! And as is often the case when reminiscing, images from days long gone suddenly pop up.

It must have been the mid to late 1970s when we visited you for the first time. I still remember it well: the only water available for washing was cold, and the toilets – a simple outhouse – were located on the balcony. When my late husband Dietolf and I went back there a few years ago, we had a good laugh. Because right under the spot where the earth closet's drainpipe once ran, you could now sit comfortably.

Dietolf used to play all kinds of pranks on Wolfgang, and Volkhard admired Helmuth's bees. Incidentally, I learned from Wolfgang that the base of the silver thistle – which is of course strictly protected today! – can be eaten in a similar way to artichoke hearts.

My mother often sat with Helmuth's grandmother on the bench at the edge of the forest, and the two of them had lively conversations. And then there is this wonderful view from your old farm to the Texelspitze – a sight that Dietolf marvelled at again and again when we were there again a few years ago. Did you know that Helmuth's mother helped carry the summit cross up? She told me that proudly at the time.

Yes, so many beautiful memories have come back to life!

I wish you and the whole Raffeiner family all the best.


Best regards,

Annedore Wille


Nota bene: If you prefer to take pictures to writing and are active on Instagram: tag @deroberraindlhof and use #oberraindlhof – we will be happy to share your most beautiful moments in our story!