Savage and wild. The Similaun. The Val Senales mountains are exactly as they sound. Archaic and mystical and beautiful and not nearly as insurmountable as they may seem. A finely woven network of paths runs through the Val Senales mountains and connects north with south. For millennia, people and animals of the Val Senales have traversed these lands as border-crossers and travellers. The saga of the legendary Iceman and the tradition of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity – transhumance – bear testament to this rich legacy. Today, those who venture into the Val Senales mountains do so not out of necessity, but for the sheer joy of it. It’s about the pure pleasure of movement, the exhilaration of being in motion, and the longing for an authentic communion with nature. To ascend to lofty heights, to explore ancient ice, to journey over hills and beyond – this is the allure that draws people in.
Hiking heaven
Once a necessity. Now a pure joy. to make progress in Val Senales, it’s time for shank’s pony.
The rugged trail ascends towards the heavens like a stairway to the clouds. The air is tinged with the scent of glaciers and adventure. Here, you’re bound to surpass yourself.

Hiking right from the Hotel, led by our hiking guide Martin.
Back in 1900, Anton Raffeiner, with his distinctive moustache, looked at his first guests with a hint of scepticism. Climbing mountains for leisure was a trend among the affluent at that time. Today, however, you don’t need to be among the elite or extraordinarily daring to experience the mountains of Val Senales up close. Today the staff at the hotel have the luxury of having a hotel guide for you. His name is Martin and he knows the Val Senales hiking trails and would love nothing more than to show you his favourite spots. Several times a week you can join a free guided hike starting directly from the farm. The difficulty of the hike depends on your level of fitness and climbing ability. However, if you prefer to conquer a summit on your own, we’ll gladly provide you with plenty of maps and helpful advice.

Val Senales nature paradise: of sunny mountains and glacial ice.
If you opt for a hiking holiday in Val Senales, you’re in for a treat. More than 300 kilometres of hiking trails, over 35 huts and mountain pastures and very special tours such as the Gran Vedretta glacier hike, the Merano High Mountain Trail and the Val di Fosse Ibex Kingdom await. These are just some of the highlights for ‘mountain enthusiasts’, as good old Anton Raffeiner called his overnight guests back then. Birds of a feather flock together, so it’s no surprise that exceptional landscapes also attract exceptional people. From the Mediterranean-style gardens of Val Venosta to the glacier ice, the options for hiking, climbing at the adventure park Ötzi Rope or the via ferrate Larix e Hoachwool, leisurely walks and exploration are endless.
That’s why so many of you return. Time and again. And that makes me very happy for the old Oberraindlhof.

Die Teufelsegghütte auf über 2.400 Metern wird auch im Sommer von Gastgeberfamilie Raffeiner bewirtschaftet. Die Wanderung dorthin und die Almküche sind ein Genuss!